Friday, 2 December 2016

Tired Brushes

Modelling seems to be one of those hobbies where many things get started but not necessarily finished. Work in progress, getting there, the end is in sight, etc, etc. I suppose this blog is representative of all those things. As a lad I messed about with little plastic figures on a table top. Some of them were painted and what do you know, some weren't. I'm supposed to be grown up now, but I still enjoy painting little figures. I love doing medieval stuff and have another blog for that:

Hoping to resurrect a bit of fun gaming, I recently decided to gather some late war WW2 figures together with a view to giving Bolt Action a go, more on that later. So I've turned my worn out brushes on some US Airborne and Volksgrenadiers from with a discipline that is hitherto unknown. Sticking to the schedule and keeping the bench tidy is the order of the day. It's also dark by 4 o'clock just now so what else would I de doing?

Inevitably, Band of Brothers has a bearing on this, or more exactly just the romance of the paratrooper, if there is such a thing. From top @WarlordGames US airborne medic, radio operator and spotter. They paint up nicely too.

More 101st Airborne from Warlord, but could just as easily be the 82nd or the 17th, or any of those brave souls who dropped from the skies over northern Europe. From top: bazooka team, officer, and mortar team.

I mentioned romance earlier, perhaps that's the wrong word. Romanticising a war where millions of people were killed and unimaginable suffering befell the world is not what I aim to do. For a model maker there is just something compelling in it, and challenging too.

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