The building itself comes as a one piece resin kit, with separate windows. I have to say it's a pretty good little model, so the first thing I did when I took it out of the box was to start messing it up.
I had one of those 'I must do this immediately' moments, and after about 2 minutes of thinking I started to 'jack' it up a bit.
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28mm Warlord Fallschirmäger for scale |
Foamcore glued to the base of the walls didn't look too terrible, and actually the model doesn't lose its proportions. In 28mm terms its maybe gone up by around 18 inches, which helps. The interior is still tight but you could get a small squad inside it more or less, or a sniper team on the small upstairs floor area, which I might extend. I scraped back the moulding feature on the door and extended it with some card (if I may say Airfix, I thought the door looked a bit small anyway).
Milliput. Why is it you always blend what you think is just the right amount and end up with loads left? Door frames and the bottom of the walls got a bit of work, but nothing too involved or too precise. It's a ruined building and I will pile up lots of debris against the walls anyway. with a decent paint job it will look fine. I'm confident in my ability to bodge it.
Made some progress on the paint job. Quite enjoying just painting freely, rather than the close in, lip biting attention that painting a figure requires! I am following the colour scheme from the box art, as I couldn't be bothered to come up with anything else, and frankly, why bother? There is enough external wall on one side to stick up a couple of posters from which will look cool. One from the sheet is in the Carentan episode of Band of Brothers, so it would be churlish not to use it!
I wasn't going to bother with the windows at all, but the little sheet metal frames and 'glass' are a perfect fit, and I think they add a lot to the look. I 'broke' a couple of the panes for effect. Glued the whole thing down on card, more for ease of working than anything else, but it let me paint a rudimentary flagstone floor and a pavement of sorts. I've still got to weather it and add some rubble, but it's looking okay I think.
Completed the painting on the building and the base, so it's just adding rubble and broken timbers, that sort of thing.